CITYarts Milestone Project

How to Use Art to Make a Milestone Celebration More Meaningful

Our Expert:  Tsipi Ben-Haim, Executive and Creative Director of CITYarts

The big moment is here: a Bar Mitzvah, Sweet 16, Confirmation, or graduation… important milestones in your child’s life. You can turn these into memorable and more meaningful occasions by involving your child in the planning of a fun celebration that would also give back to the community – an art project for charity!

Select an Appropriate Location 

Many pre-schools, kindergartens, and community centers in underserved neighborhoods are in need of beautification and would welcome your efforts. Call a not-for-profit, synagogue, church, after school program or CITYarts to get additional ideas. Make sure your child researches possible locations online or by walking through neighborhoods that might appreciate an aesthetic improvement. The space should also accommodate a party for the 50-100 kids who will be involved in this artistic contribution.

Select the Right Project

Meet with a professional at one of the aforementioned organizations that can help you and your child identify a fun project to give everyone a sense of contribution to this special event.  Ask:

  • What will the project entail?

  • Who will participate in the project?

  • To whom will you donate the gift?

Consider Painting a Mural

These work very well.  The kids involved don’t have to be experienced or talented painters, but the person that plans the event with you must be! Also, the artists that will work with you on the project must work well with kids. The mural can be on a designated indoor wall or large canvas, according to the layout of the space.  Another idea is to design and build a mosaic for a designated floor, wall or portable piece that can serve multiple purposes of decoration/utility.

Make sure your child spearheads the ideas and not you.

A child needs the feeling of ownership right from the start so they will not drop the ball in the middle of it all. You are the support system, the provider of funds and encouragement. Ask what they want to do. Don’t tell them what they should be doing. That’s the most important rule for a successful art project.

Don't Forget to Make it a Party!

Combine the art project and act of charity with a DJ in the background and even some dancing to celebrate the completion of the project. Lunch and other goodies can be distributed throughout.  Your child, their friends, and the community which you serve will remember this meaningful event for years to come.

Please contact the Project Coordinator at for more information.