Alice on the Wall
Restoration & Recreation 2023
Community Identity

CITYarts, in collaboration with approximately 100 students from Stuyvesant High School led by alum Christina Ward (‘03), invited artist Natalia Zukerman to work together in painting the mural Alice on the Wall in 2002. The project gave the students an opportunity to express themselves creatively following the tragic events of 9/11. The mural runs along Chambers Street from the edge of Washington Market Park to the base of the Tribeca Bridge.
CITYarts reengaged Students, artists, and community volunteers in 2012 after Superstorm Sandy, and again in 2018, to restore and re-envision areas of the already existing artwork.
The mural has been a part of the community public space for twenty years, and CITYarts - now in collaboration with the Alumni Association – is in the continual process of enhancing the landscape around Stuy and introduce a new generation of students to foundational art skills through a collaborative project.
In 2023, students from Stuyvesant’s art club StuyCanvas, along with the South Asian Media and Entertainment Club and Stuyvesant’s Alumni Association, joined forces with CITYarts artist Xin Song to restore and recreate Alice on the Wall. Current students had the opportunity to express their ideas while connecting with alumni, including Christina Ward who worked on the original mural and is now a manager at Google, to learn the history of the mural as they continued the tradition of its care and growth.
Students, artist Xin Song, and supporters celebrated the completion of this restoration and recreation on May 31, 2024.