Director’s Message

CITYarts Founder, Executive and Creative Director Tsipi Ben-Haim

Tsipi Ben-Haim

Founder, Executive and Creative Director

Dear Friends,

There are millions of creative, vibrant young minds out there eager to express their voices and achieve their goals. It is our responsibility to engage them in positive activities based on knowledge, exploring their imaginations and allowing them to shape their own futures by getting actively involved and making good choices. CITYarts empowers youth by listening to their ideas and giving them an opportunity to express their thoughts through the creative process. Their shared visions unite them with young people in their own communities and around the world. We give them a seat at the table.

CITYarts art education workshops and the creation of artworks, murals, and mosaics are fun and exciting while teaching youth art and social skills. Our programs also give participants an opportunity to see artworks created by youth from different backgrounds through the CITYarts Young Minds Build Bridges program and the CITYarts Pieces for Peace project, discovering that they hold common hopes for the world’s future.

The mural projects enable youth to work with diverse groups of community volunteers. Youth involved in our projects develop confidence and teamwork skills as they help transform their neighborhoods into vibrant, beautiful spaces. Transformation is especially evident in our CITYarts Peace Walls created through the CITYarts 50 States of Peace initiative. The project site becomes a place for them to meet, celebrate their achievements, and bridge cultural differences. Behind every mural, sculpture, and mosaic that we produce are collaborations with people who help make it possible: educators, youth, artists, community residents, sponsors, CITYarts’ staff, Board of Directors and Advisors, building owners and managers, and volunteers.

With every project, we plant the seed for young, creative, caring leaders of tomorrow. Our programs belong to all of these people — they put so much of themselves into each project. I think of every project as a jigsaw puzzle, with every piece being as important and unique as all the rest and the full image being support for our youth. We are extremely grateful for your contributions. Your support enables us to help the next generation create a better world for us all. After 35 years of encouraging the youth to express their voices visually, use their vivid imaginations, and engage with their communities, I strongly believe that when kids create, they do not destroy; they inspire us all!

Please, invest in our Youth imagination and join us - to care and dare to make a difference!

Stay Healthy and Hopeful,


Tsipi Ben-Haim
Founder, Executive and Creative Director


Resume PDF

Biography PDF

Selected Awards and Accolades