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Astronaut Leland Melvin at Hamilton Grange Middle School.

Astronaut Leland Melvin at Hamilton Grange Middle School.

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin with Tsipi Ben-Haim, school students, and school staff.

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin with Tsipi Ben-Haim, school students, and school staff.

Connect Us with Schools!

You can recommend middle schools and high schools for CITYarts to collaborate with on public art projects. Is there a school in your community that would benefit from additional arts programming?

Sponsor a Project or a Kid!

You can become a partial or full sponsor for one of our projectseither here in NYC or around the world!

Or you can help a kid participate in our projects by sponsoring the materials CITYarts needs to provide them during the course of the project!


Donate a Wall!

Are you a building owner who would like to donate a wall? Donating a wall provides a platform for our youth to express themselves!

If you would like to partner with us in any of these ways or beyond, fill out the form below and our Project Coordinator will get back to you!


Announcing CITYarts Media Sponsor abc7


Our Supporters

The Banks-Baldwin Foundation

Brooklyn Community Board 14

Clara & Kurt Hellmuth Foundation

Dorothy Dehner Foundation

Flatbush Development Corporation

Flushing Council on Culture & The Arts

Hope Foundation India Graduate School of Business – Columbia University

Hamilton Grange Middle School

The Jacob and Eugenie Bucky Memorial Foundation

Martin Luther King Jr Educational Campus

New York Scores

NYC Department of Parks & Recreation

NYC Housing Authority

National Endowment for the Arts

Rose M. Badgeley Charitable Trust

The School of Visual Arts – Liberty Partnership Program

Stryker’s Bay Neighborhood Council

The Umma Group

NYC Council Members: Gale Brewer, Christopher Marte, Darlene Mealy, Althea Stevens