Red Road to Mars

What: CITYarts collaborated with NASA to help combine art education and leadership skills for a much needed mural project at P.S. 328 for underserved youth in the East New York community. Beginning in June 2012, neighborhood youth worked with professional artists to create a mural entitled Take the Red Road to Mars, representing their dreams for a better future.
P.S. 328 Phyllis Wheatley
330 Alabama Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Lead Artist: Pansum Cheng
P.S. 328 students
Board of Education
Groundwork, Inc.
To bring together youth and community members from East New York to work together to design and paint an image representing their dreams for the future
To learn about color, composition, and the technical components of painting
To uplift the often unheard voices of youth in underserved communities
To counteract the increasing art program cuts in New York City schools
To provide positive summer programming for students in a declining school
To promote peace through lasting relationships between participants and community
When: January 2013 – August 2013