Walking with Justice

CITYarts will produce and create a mural project at The High School for Law & Public Service. The project will empower the school’s youth and students to feel a sense of ownership over their school and community, especially connected to the subject of law and public service.
George Washington Educational Complex High School for Law & Public Service
549 Audubon Ave.
New York, NY 10040
Students: HSL&PS
Artist: Berto Reynoso
Interns, Staff, & Volunteers, CITYarts
Paula Lev, Principal
Ayana Wigfall, Primary Contact/Art Teacher
Sponsors: High School for Law & Public Service
Others to be announced
To explore the theme of justice as it pertains to law & public service
To create a school image for new school
Assist students in realizing their potential through visual arts
Encourage and empower the students to create their own identity and perceptions of justice through the creation of a mural
Improve team work, communications, and art skills