Tom Evans
Photograph Source
From Artist’s website
Thomas Evans is a native Texan who has lived about 25 miles west of Austin since 1978. His life long interest in nature is the inspiration for his paintings and his home and studio are near upper Lake Austin and surrounded by the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve.
His work has been exhibited in galleries in New York, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Austin, Santa Fe, San Antonio, and in the New Mexico Museum of Fine Art. His work is in many corporate and private collections and he has completed numerous commissions including the painting of Enchanted Rock, "Hill of the Medicine Man", which now hangs above the east ticket counter at Austin Bergstrom International Airport. He currently has paintings on loan to the U.S. Department of State, Art in Embassies Program, Africa.
Selected commissions and collections -
- M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
- Texas Parks and Wildlife, Barton Warnock Environmental Education Center, Lajitas, Texas
- City of Austin, Austin Bergstrom International Airport
- The University of Texas, Texas Memorial Museum, Austin
- Valero Energy, San Antonio
- Labeouf, Lamb, Green, McRea, Attorneys, Dallas
- KN Energy, Denver
- White and Steel, Attorneys, Denver
- Vail, Hamiliton, Koch & Knox, Attorneys, Dallas
- Brown Maroney, Inc., Attorneys, Austin
- Richardson Verdoorn, Inc. Landscape Architects, Austin
- EDS, Dallas
- The Radisson Plaza Hotel, Austin
- Shell Oil, Houston
- The University of Texas at San Antonio
- Dell Seton UT Medical Center - Austin, TX
The Red House, 2019, Oil/Canvas, 48" x 60"
Storm 2017, 2017, Oil/Canvas, 34" x 48"