Past Forward

What: CITYarts’ Past Forward was designed to foster an intergenerational, mutually beneficial relationship between the senior citizens of JASA Club 76, a senior center on W. 76th street, and local youth. Seniors passed forward stories from their past to the younger generation. Under guidance of CITYarts’ teaching artist, anecdotes from these stories, celebrating a personal and generational past, were visualized in a collaboratively created public mural, which remains as a lasting gift to the Senior Center’s community at large.
JASA Club 76 Senior Center
120 W 76th Street
New York, NY 10023
- Senior Citizens of Club 76
- Local youth
- CITYarts Artist: Kristin Holmes-Linder
- CITYarts interns, staff, and volunteers
- Club 76 Director Phyllis Roth
- To encourage intergenerational connection and understanding between the senior citizens of Club 76 and local youth
- To keep wisdom, acquired over a lifetime by senior citizens, alive through the tradition of storytelling
- To create a beautiful mural in the senior center that will provide a welcoming environment for its residents
When: Phase 1: June – July 2019