Kes Zapkus
Photograph source
From Von Morisse Gallery
Kes Zapkus, born in Lithuania in 1938 (as a U.S. citizen), grew up in Torrington, Connecticut. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, BFA 1960 and Syracuse University, MFA 1962, lived in Paris 1962-1965 and in New York City since 1965. He has exhibited extensively internationally and his work is in prestigious collections in the USA and abroad notably: The Brooklyn Museum, The Art Institute of Chicago, Joseph Hirshhorn Museum, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beunignen, Rotterdam, Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville , M.I.T., Cambridge, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Morgan Library and Museum, NYC ; significant exhibitions include: Gres Gallery, Chicago 1962, “Six Americans”, Paris 1964, Stable Gallery 1968, Paula Cooper 1971-79, John Weber 1979-89, and retrospectives at Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh 1981 and National Gallery of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania 2014. A comprehensive bilingual monograph Kestutis Zapkus was published in 2014.
KES ZAPKUS, Red Sea Ordeals in Cyberspace, 2017, Oil and acrylic on cotton, Overall size: 72 x 180 inches