Tino Zago
Photograph source
From Artist’s Website
Tino Zago was born in Crespano Del Grappa, north of Venezia, and has lived in
the United States since 1948. He spent his formative years in the Detroit area.
Tino studied Painting at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan and went on to study
at Yale University.
He has exhibited extensively in solo and group exhibitions in New York and internationally. He is represented in museums and corporate collections throughout the United States.
In the 1970's Tino's work was affected by his time spent in Mushaboom, Nova Scotia,
a small fishing village in northeast Canada. He also began spending part of the year in Italia using the images, light and color of Venezia and the Dolomite mountains in his work.
Tino lives and works in New York City and spends part of the year in
Mushaboom and Venezia.
Segue Time #2, 1986, Acrylic on canvas, 70 x 70 inches (177.8 x 177.8 cm)
Views of Haikus 5, Pastel on Wood Panel, 12" x 12"